Former Australian wicket keeper
Adam Gilchrist has warned of a
T20 overkill in cricket in the wake of the
IPL's success, saying it is time the administrators give thinking to how much more the players can take.

The 38-year-old wicketkeeper, who has remained in action civility the
Indian Premier League, feels the number of matches should be regulated.
IPL is going bigger next year. How much further can you go? We have to be very smart with it and make sure that we monitor that," Gilchrist said.
"I think we are very close to the limit of how much cricket we can stage in general and
Twenty20 has contested to the fore. But, this vast tool we have got, let's not burn it out," he said.
Gilchrist said players who decide to take breaks during the season should not be criticized as they are only trying to protect their bodies for as long a stay as possible in international cricket.
"If someone doesn't play because he has the chance to rest, the public shouldn't beat up on him. They are just trying to be as good as they can for as long as they can, first for their country, then their county," he said.
"But the IPL has moved the goalposts and clouded the issue a bit. But as
professional cricketers, we have to stride carefully. I know a number of Australian players who have stayed away from the IPL for reasons of extending their
Test careers and that's something all players have to weigh up," he added.